Sefer Yehoshua

This volume of the series carries us into the miraculous entrance of the Jewish nation into the land of Canaan, and what we are taught by our sages to apply to our lives today from these guiding prophetic verses.

As the nation traveled through the midbar they prepared themselves, toiling in Torah, to perform the commandments of Hashem in the Holy land. The nation is led by a new leader who is recognized by the people as having the same divine providence as the one who took them out of Egypt. Upon entering the land and defeating the mighty Canaanite kings, the nation divided and settled the precious land which was promised to their fathers.

Sefer Shoftim

Upon entering the holy land and defeating the mighty Canaanite kings, the Jewish nation divided and settled the precious land that was promised to their forefathers. The Navi says that during the time of the Shoftim there was no king in Yisrael. The nation was on such a high level that it governed itself and, at times, even united to wage a war for morality - without and higher authority forcing them or even encouraging them to do so. 

This generations sole pursuit was to learn the Torah and transmit it to the next generation in the glorious holy land. This was the era of the Shoftim!

Sefer Shmuel I

In this volume of the series we learn a young cub from the tribe of Yehudah will become a lion - Dovid Hamelech. We are taught how Dovid emulated his great-grandfather Yehudah in accepting upon himself the judgment of Shamayim, showing his true attribute of malchus. Amidst all of the darkness and seemingly loss of hope, Hashem was bringing out the greatest revelation of all time - Malchus Beis Dovid. From Dovid would come the light of Moshiach!

Sefer Shmuel II

In this volume of the series we learn how the king and the nation faced a darkening moment when Bat Sheva was brought to the palace. However, Dovid Hamelech led the way for generations to come to ascend within the sweetness of teshuvah and Shlomo Hamelech was eventually born, the builder of the Beis Hamikdash. The Nation once again witnessed the power of teshuvah as they were needlessly counted and were struck with a plague. The power of teshuvah lifted them all and the moment turned into the light of the future, with the preparation of the makom hamikdash

Sefer Melachim I 

Just Like the body follows the head, so too Yisrael follow its king. When the kings of Yisrael were yareh chet, all were careful to keep the mitzvos properly. The nation dwelled tranquilly on its land and overcame all enemies.

Sefer Melachim introduces us to Shlomo Hamelech, the wisest of all men, who brought Shamayim and Aretz together with the building of the Beis Hamikdash - the pinnacle of malchus Beis Dovid.

Sefer Melachim II

When Bnei Yisrael did not hold themselves to the highest of standards, Hashem sent nevi'im to rebuke them and bring them back. These words of nevuah were recorded as a guide to prevent Yisrael from drifting away from Hashem to act like any other nation. In every generation, we are meant to benifit and grow from this rebuke and revelation. by studying the nevi'im, Bnei Yisrael can live up to their calling as the mamleches Kohanim.

Haggadah Shel Pesach

Sefer Yonah

In this volume of the series we learn of the trials and tribulations that Yonah endured when he fled the word of Hashem. We learn that even when a person has sunk to even the lowest of levels he can arouse himself to do teshuvah by listening to the sweet calling of Hashem.

Megillas Rus

In this volume of the series we learn of the reward for those who do chessed and the great reward for deeds done for Hashem's honor. Rus and Naomi chose a life of poverty in Eretz Yisrael over one of royalty in Moav, and merited to become part of the lineage of malchus Beis Dovid and the future source of Moshiach. With each chapter, Hashem's hashgachah over the world and His bringing forward the light of Moshiach becomes more apparent. This sefer provides inspiration for the entire year - and most specifically for the Yom Tov of Shavuos when the Megillah of Rus is read.

Megillas Eichah

Megillas Eichah is filled with destruction, mourning, and lose. However, when opened properly through the lens of Chazal we are privileged to see the deep love and connection between Hashem and His nation, especially at a time of ruin. 

Megillas Esther

In this volume of the series we learn of the radiance that shined forth that stemmed from a heartfelt teshuvah that even mirrored the devotion that was expressed by Har Sinai. Bnei Yisrael initiated a tremendous teshuvah which brought on the closeness between Hashem and Yisrael, causing the entire decree of Haman to be eradicated. This sefer on Megillas Esther will inspire and prepare you for the heavenly influence that is showered on Purim.

Shir Hashirim